The Seven Times of Lev. 26, by James White (January 26, 1864)

The Seven Times, by James White (April 1, 1880)

The “Seven Times” of Leviticus 26, by Uriah Smith (1897)

The 2520 Non-Prophecy, by Stephan Bohr

A Response to the 2520 Movement, by James Raferty

Newport SDA Church Position, the history of how the New Port church was split over this controversy

2520 Response Letter, by Dwayne Lemon

An Analysis of Jeff Pippenger’s Principles of Prophetic Interpretation, by Norman McNulty

A Review of Jeff Pippenger’s Teachings, by Norman McNulty

The 2520, by Steve Wohlberg

Steve Wohlberg responds to Jeff Pippenger

Letter to Jeff Pippenger, by Ty Gibson

The Use and Misuse of Strong’s Concordance at Leviticus 26 (with special consideration of the 2,520 “prophecy”), by Larry Kirkpatrick

A False Gospel, by Charles Lawson

The Angel Gabriel and William Miller, by Charles Lawson

Standing on the Platform of Truth, by Charles Lawson